Thursday, 3 December 2009

How I Roll..

Seamless linkage from the Silver & Black post below to this doped-out, silver 'n' black (MF) DOOM decal I just pimped my ride with..

Bicycles are the only way to roll down here in the nation's capital and now I'm rollin' with considerably more steez after sticking this sticker to the ol' bone-shaker. Sadly I cannot claim to have chanced upon this stickable item by accident though. It's a limited release, which originally came out with the MM..FOOD Special Edition CD, and I put in a bit of dork-time picking it up off ebay. I got it for a quid and another quid postage though, which isn't bad 'cos with that and a few squirts of WD40, the trusty steed's never been happier.

And so from one MF to another now because while I was getting a bit click happy with stickers and the like on the old eazy ebay, I finally picked up MF Grimm's autobiographical comicbook, which I've been meaning to get for yonks.

It's a good read, with Grimm's character shining through his gritty and often tragic circumstances thanks to his enduring love for the game. Being of the comic persuasion, I suppose you could say it's a good 'look' too, as the artist Ronald Wimberly does a great job of balancing quickly scrawled, fluid lines with clever composition and style.

DOOM pops up a few times in the story, and I think Grimm should be particularly commended for putting their 'beef' to one side for the sake of the book to speak of his former friend with genuine affection. I don't know what DOOM's intentions were when he referred to the Monsta Island Czars (a group that he was once a part of alongside Grimm) as 'Midgets Into Crunk' on the Dangerdoom track 'El Chupa Nibre', but Grimm really hasn't come off too well with his various, venomous diss-record responses such as 'Book of Daniel'.

Whatever the beef is, it'd be great to see an MF reunion in the not too distant future, even though DOOM recently dropped his MF prefix to perhaps distance himself further from his estranged colleague.

Anyway, this Blog's really meant to be all about me showing off all my drawings n' that, not ranting on about my obsession with one of Hip-Hop's current saviors, so I'd best shut up about the Supervillain (at least until the new Madvillain album comes out) and resume the incessant blowing of my own trumpet once more.. 'Toot-toot'

1 comment:

  1. I spotted the Grimm graphic novel in a bargain box and recognised it from your Blog. Not a massive hip hop fan but decided to give it a go and it didn't disappoint. Really nice simple but striking art style and a well written tale.
