I've got a new piece of work featured in an upcoming exhibition in Sheffield called..

The show's curated by Kid Acne who's also got a piece up in there, and this is the promotional flyer designed by Emily Forgot who's got a little something in there too.. Plus there're loads of other chuffers involved! Here's the back of the flyer with some more deets 'n' dates 'n' what-have-you..

All the prints are rocked out in proper dark black and sh-sh-shiny silver ink, and they'll be available for folks to see with their eyes and buy with their wads from Archipelago Works in real life and off Archipelago's web-shizzle HERE.
Any-hoo, here's the silver 'n' black picture that I chucked together for the event.. As well as the colour theme that runs through the show, there's a vague hint of a Sheffieldy vibe going on in some of the pieces too. I was up for getting a sense of that whole Northern grafter's mentality in my wee doodle, so I gave the hooded, skull-faced character in the picture some hardcore steel gauntlets that he could set fire to and not even be too boshed about it..
The breaking news for all you Pictorial Showboat fan(s?) out there is that once I'd finished the design for the print, I decided that the exhibition might be as good an excuse as any to release a new bit of comic action. It's been a few months since I released my first comic and I thought I'd best push myself to keep in the swing of it all, so over the past few days I've put some proper hours in to putting this together..

..It's not Showboat #2.. In fact it might actually be classed as more of a 'pamphlet' than a comic, as the page count clocks in at a mere four sides (including the cover).. I'll tell you what though, for a nice little companion piece to the exhibition that you'll be able to pick up exclusively at the exhibition for fiddy pence, it's not half bad like.
The Limited Edition Pictorial Showboat Special is host to the true story (that I made up t'other day) of how Sheffield's 'ROXY Disco' became 'RO Y Disco' and there's a bit in there about my fantastical inspiration for the metal fingered print design.
It's limited to 200 black 'n' white copies, which will be for sale at the show.. and even more limited (!) to 20 black 'n' silver (and white) mega sweet copies on thicker paper and all signed 'n' that.. These extra-spesh ones will only be available to the folks who buy one of my 20 prints from the gallery, who'll receive a sooped-up, shiny Showboat as a free gift to go with their new picture.. Rate good.
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