My mate Nick (pictured here in his infamous role as 'The Rock n' Roll Cow') is on holiday in New York at the moment. Apparently he's having a great time. I'm only mentioning this so that I can use the snappy title that I came up with for this post. Thanks Nick.

Anyway, the other day I got a call from Little Lost David. He's a Sheffield based musician who's doing pretty well for himself at the moment and is currently recording his debut album up there, which is being produced by Jim Sclavunos from The Bad Seeds. Dave asked me if I wanted to play a bit of mouth organ on a couple of his tracks and I said "yes".
I went up there yesterday and spent a few hours in the studio where Jim tried out a few different microphones and amps and gave me a few instructions on roughly how he wanted me to blow the harp on the specific tracks. I hadn't really picked up the ol' gob iron since I used to toot one now and again in my old band. I suppose like a lot of things though (especially riding a bike), you could liken it to riding a bike. Admittedly I could've probably done with a set of stabilizers on the first few takes, but it wasn't long before we got it in the bag and I was on my way back to London. I gave Jim one of my comics before I left and when I arrived back at St. Pancras, I went straight to The Scala where my friends Slow Club were playing an awesome headline show where I saw Gruff Rhys from The Super Furry Animals, so I gave him a comic too.
Here's an updated list of real life famous folk who I've pestered (or got someone else to pester) into taking a copy of Pictorial Showboat. I have no idea what these celebrities think of the comic, but here's the list anyway.. in alphabetical order.
Jarvis Cocker
Richard Hawley
Gruff Rhys
Jim Sclavunos
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