First of all, here's a LINK to a facebook event page for this.. event, where you can read a blurb that's pretty much the same as the one below, aswell as being able to R.S.V.P yourself to the opening night, or whenever you can make it down for a peek.. if you like.
I’ve been busy preparing a visual feast of culinary inspired drawings, paintings and other decorative nick-nacks, which will be displayed for public consumption in The Forum CafĂ© Bar, Sheffield from the 13th of April ‘til the 9th of May, Twenty-Ten.
This exhibition of fairly meaningless doodles, which look quite nice, will kick off with a wild(ish) rumpus of music and merriment on Monday the 12th of April at 8pm.
Everything included in the show will be available to buy, so feel free to accompany yourself down to the opening night disco-party and peruse the arty-farty menu over a glass of pop or two.
Alongside the hand-drawn, homemade stuff they’ll be two brand new screen prints and my ‘Silver & Black’ and ‘Good Ship Sheffield’ pieces on show thanks to the kind folks at Archipelago Works. There’re ten copies of each of the new designs and whatever’s left of the others, and you can buy the prints framed or un-framed for the duration of the show or even after it off Archipelago’s website.
There also (might) be (if they're printed in time!) a new, extremely limited edition t-shirt available that I designed, which is being printed up by a new Sheffield based company, ‘Secret Library Records’.
As well as me spinning a few Biggie and Beefheart records (and probably a couple of tracks off my new favorite album by Gonjasufi) alongside some surprise guest disc-jockeys, the opening night will also host a one night only pop-shop where you’ll be able to pick up all sorts of official Tom J Newell ‘rammle’. There’ll be the t-shirts I did for Royal Stock and The Heebie Jeebies at a bargain price, what’s left of my comic, Pictorial Showboat #1 and the Silver & Black Pictorial Showboat Special, and, available for the first time anywhere ever, ‘Musical Showboat’: A mix-CD that I scratch n’ sniffed together last year, which was originally gonna be released with the comic but.. wasn’t.
Anyway, that’s the general jist of what ‘Hollow Legs’ is all about. Watch this space to see if it becomes about anything else, and I do hope to see y’all there for the opening shindig, yeah?
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